Pass the Driver’s Test the first time!
Download the app right now and be ready to ace your test tomorrow.


All-in-one app for Prepare

Your personal course to prepare for the driving theory exam: Handbook, Practice tests, Exam simulator.
Rest assured: all courses are state specific.



We’ve collected all the important topics of the Driving Manual in a convenient format. Read the entire Handbook in one evening and test your knowledge with an easy quiz after each topic.



The largest base of realistic questions for your state. Each question contains a detailed explanation. If you make a mistake, you can repeat the question.


Exam Simulator

Check your chances of passing the theory driving test in the app right now! The questions are identical to the real questions.

Why use DMV Max?

Learning doesn't have to be boring. Learn Handbook in an easy way. Get points for passing tests. Improve your level of knowledge with our tests, created especially for you.

Improve your knowledge every day. We have divided all questions into several levels. Choose a test for your level of knowledge.

The app helps you pass the exam for the first time. Just what you need to pass and nothing more.

Start preparing for your Driver’s test right now!
